Our partners

Albras is always looking for supply chain partners that share our focus on the sustainability of the business. The partners that supply our raw materials, products and services are a fundamental part of the success and quality of our products. Every prospective supplier needs to go through a qualification process. Our policies require all Albras suppliers to meet certain standards with regards to:

Suppliers must prove compliance with the required standards through qualifying documents and contracts.

How do become a supplier

Albras has several local suppliers who are essential to the quality of our business. But before being included in our value chain, all vendors undergo an internal qualification process. In order to become a supplier, you must be registered in the Albras supplier database and complete a prerequisites questionnaire that demonstrates your and Albras’ commitment to complying with human rights, legal, integrity and other obligations.

Have any doubts on how to register to be a supplier? Contact our procurement team: canaldireto@hydro.com